Santiago Canyon College President Inauguration

May 11, 2023

Inauguration Ceremony 4 - 6 PM

Reception 6 - 7 PM

Formal Dinner Program 7 - 9 PM

Dr. Jeannie G. Kim was appointed President of Santiago Canyon College (SCC) on January 18, 2023 by the Rancho Santiago Community College District Board of Trustees. She becomes the seventh president, and the first Asian-American, to lead the educational institution toward growth and development for the future. During her first month, at a college-wide convocation, she presented her preliminary vision for SCC's 25th anniversary to be celebrated in 2025.

SCC looks forward to thriving under Dr. Kim's leadership. She brings with her over 30 years of experience as a change-agent at the UC, CSU and community college systems establishing organizational infrastructure, facilitating culture shifts, building strategic partnerships and developing evaluation systems for both institutional and program operations.