Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Santiago Canyon College Foundation?
The Santiago Canyon College Foundation (SCCF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to supporting Santiago Canyon College by increasing public awareness of the college and expanding its volunteer and financial support network. Funds raised by the Foundation support students directly through scholarships for fees and books. The Foundation also funds campus programs, projects and services that are important to a vibrant campus life, but either aren't typically funded by the state or are in need of more funding to serve our students more effectively.
Why does Santiago Canyon College need a Foundation to do its fundraising?
There are significant advantages to having private donations managed through a non-profit foundation. The SCC Foundation exclusively represents the unique interests of the college, and can quickly respond to its financial needs. The Foundation also provides a direct and responsive link with all college constituencies, including local community members, donors, faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni and friends. A Foundation can also manage endowed accounts more flexibly, as well as accept anonymous donations and grants from private foundations that might not allow direct contributions to state- or county-operated entities.
Why does a publicly supported community college like SCC need private donations?
Funding for Santiago Canyon College comes from a variety of sources, including the State of California general fund, county property taxes and occasional bond issues. Like other private and public colleges, SCC also receives some federal grant aid. In the aftermath of the "Great Recession," funding to the state college system, including SCC, was cut significantly. While the administration at SCC worked hard to protect the quality of academic programs, significant reductions in staffing and programs did take place. As the economy has improved, so too has the level of state funding, but many important campus programs and services remain underfunded. The Foundation seeks to meet some of these unmet funding needs, as well as assist the college in building a more stable, diversified financial base that can better serve students in the future.
I have noticed that many universities charge administrative fees on donations. Does the Foundation charge such fees, and if so, why and how much are the fees?
As is customary at non-profit foundations that support public colleges and universities in the US, the SCC Foundation applies a one-time "sustainability fee" to new gifts it receives on behalf of the College. This fee helps defray costs associated with fundraising, gift processing, donor cultivation, community outreach, events and donor stewardship. The fee also allows the Foundation and Office of College Advancement to develop new fundraising initiatives that bring even more financial resources to Santiago Canyon College. For gifts made in cash, by check or by credit card, the fee is 5 percent. The remaining 95 percent goes directly into the fund you designated for your donation. For more information on our sustainability fee, click here.
How is the SCC Foundation governed?
The SCC Foundation is governed by a volunteer board made up of community leaders dedicated to assisting the College in meeting its educational and community service goals. The Foundation director, SCC's President and Rancho Santiago Community College District Chancellor serve as ex-officio members of the board.
Are my gifts to the foundation tax deductible?
The SCC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and all gifts to it are tax deductible to the fullest extent of state and federal law. Our federal tax ID number is 33-0794988.
Can I designate a gift for a particular purpose?
Absolutely! The foundation wants to match your interests with the needs of the college. If you have a particular area of interest you would like to support, please email foundation@sccollege.edu or call 714-628-4790 and we would be happy to explore a partnership with you.